Here is a script I wrote to split GPS COM ports to multiple virtual COM ports. In this
- Create virtual COM ports 14 and 15 using com0com (Used a high number to avoid hitting a conflict with an existing port).
Download link:
start /w "" "%~dp0setup_com0com_W7_x64_signed.exe" /S cd /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\com0com" setupc.exe install 0 - PortName=COM14,EmuBR=yes setupc.exe change CNCA0 EmuBR=yes setupc.exe change CNCA0 HiddenMode=yes setupc.exe install 1 - PortName=COM15,EmuBR=yes setupc.exe change CNCA1 EmuBR=yes setupc.exe change CNCA1 HiddenMode=yes
- 2. Locate assigned GPS Com port.
Download link:
wmic PATH Win32_PnPEntity Where (Name LIKE '%%NMEA%%' or Name LIKE '%%GPS%%') get Name | "%~dp0pcre2grep.exe" -e "COM[0-9]{1,3}" -o>"%temp%\COMPORT.txt" SET /P COMPORT=<%temp%\COMPORT.txt
- Use hub4com to span GPS port to 2 virtual COM ports.
Download link:
copy /Y "%~dp0hub4com.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\com0com\" cd /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\com0com" hub4com --baud=9600 --route=0:All \\.\%COMPORT% \\.\CNCA0 \\.\CNCA1
Lastly, copy a start hub4com batch file to to the Windows startup to force hub4com to start on Windows login.
copy /Y "%~dp0RunAsSvc.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\com0com\" copy /Y "%~dp0Start hub4com.bat" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
/Brian G