Once powershell was supported in WinPE, I converted my .VBS search and apply script over. I add this script into my startnet.cmd, so it is started after initializing WinPE.
Here are the steps of the script:
- Prompts the user asking them to verify that they want to run recovery.
- Prompts for recovery password if “$sRecoveryPassword” variable is set.
- Verifies that it sees a local disk (>100gb).
- Searches through each disk and pulls the latest .WIM file that is over 1gb.
- Creates a recovery partition and stages the .WIM along with WinPE in recovery partition.
- Applies .WIM file from Recovery Partition to System Drive.
Preps the MBR and BCD file. - Shuts down the system.
Script Source:
$sRecoveryPassword = $null Function fMain { trap {"Error found: $_" | Out-File "x:\SearchAndApply.log"} #Clear content in command window Clear-Host #Maximize Command Window <# #Doesn't Work........... $sig = '[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);' Add-Type -MemberDefinition $sig -name NativeMethods -namespace Win32 $hwnd = @(Get-Process "*Windows Powershell*")[0].MainWindowHandle [Win32.NativeMethods]::ShowWindowAsync($hwnd, 3) #> Write-Output "Beginning to search for .WIM file..." #Finds the LATEST >1G .WIM File in the root of Logical Disks $oWimFiles = Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * From Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE NOT DeviceID LIKE 'A' AND Size > 0 AND NOT DriveType LIKE '4'" | ` #Commented out on 9/6/2013 DriveType 5 is for CDr/DVDr Types. #Where-Object { $_.DriveType -ne "5" } | ` foreach { Get-ChildItem -Force -Path @($_.DeviceID + "\") } | ` Where-Object { ($_.FullName -Like "*.wim") -and ($_.Length -ge 1000000000) } | ` Sort-Object -Descending CreationTime If ($oWimFiles -eq $null) {Write-Output "No .WIM files found..."; Exit} #Grab Drive Object of where .WIM was located. $oWimDrive = Get-WmiObject -Query ("SELECT * From Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DeviceID LIKE '%" + $oWimFiles[0].PSDrive + "%'") #If .WIM is in RECOVERY partition, then only a format on the OSDISK partition is required. If ($oWimDrive.VolumeName -eq "RECOVERY") { $sRecDrive = $oWimDrive.DeviceID Write-Output "Latest WIM was found IN Recovery Partition($sRecDrive)..." Write-Output @("Found the following image: " + $oWimFiles[0].FullName) $oDrives = Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DriveType LIKE 3" | ` Sort-Object -Descending Size fCreateAnswerFiles If (!(Test-Path("$env:temp\configHD2.txt"))) { Write-Output "Could not access Temp Drive..."; Exit} Write-Output "Formating OSDIsk Partition..." Start-Process "x:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" @('/C diskpart.exe /s configHD2.txt"') -Wait -WorkingDirectory $env:temp -WindowStyle Minimized | Out-Null }else{ #.WIM was NOT located in RECOVERY, so re-building all partitions. $sRecDrive = "R:" Write-Output "Latest WIM was found OUT of Recovery Partion." Write-Output @("Found the following image: " + $oWimFiles[0].FullName) #Checks if "Local Disk" found is over 100GB. $Disk = Get-Disk -Number 0 | Where-Object { $_.Size -gt 100000000000 } If ($Disk -eq $null) {Write-Output "100GB Local Disk is not found, exiting script..."; Exit} #Call Function to create Diskpart answer files. fCreateAnswerFiles If ((!(Test-Path("$env:temp\configHD.txt"))) -and (!(Test-Path("$env:temp\configHD2.txt")))) { Write-Output "Could not access Temp Drive..."; Exit} Write-Output "Re-Partitioning Disk..." #Re-partition the disk Start-Process "x:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" @('/C diskpart.exe /s configHD.txt"') -Wait -WorkingDirectory $env:temp -WindowStyle Minimized | Out-Null Write-Output "Prep Recovery Partition before applying WIM to OSDISK..." #Copy-Item -Path ($oWimFiles[0].DirectoryName + "*") -Destination $sRecDrive -Recurse -Confirm:$false -Force Start-Process "x:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" @('/C robocopy.exe "' + $oWimFiles[0].DirectoryName.SubString(0,2) + ` '" "' + $sRecDrive + '" /MIR /NJS /NJH /NP') -Wait -NoNewWindow | Out-Null } #Provide Status on what .WIM file will be applied. Write-Output @('Begin applying image to OS partition...') Start-Process "x:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" @('/C "imagex /apply "' + ` $sRecDrive + '\' + $oWimFiles[0].Name + '" 1 C:"') -Wait -NoNewWindow | Out-Null Write-Output "Completed with applying image." #Delete old BCD file attrib C:\Boot\BcD -H -S Remove-Item C:\Boot\BcD -Force #Build a new one using bcd boot Start-Process "x:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" @('/C bcdboot c:\windows /s c:') -Wait -WindowStyle Minimized | Out-Null #Add Recovery WinPE boot option to BCD using BCDEdit script fCreateBuildBCDFile If (!(Test-Path("$env:temp\configBCD.bat"))) { Write-Output "Could not access Temp Drive..."; Exit} Start-Process "x:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" @('/C call configBCD.bat ' + $sRecDrive) -Wait -WorkingDirectory $env:temp -WindowStyle Minimized | Out-Null Write-Output @("Boot sector and BCD is prepped.") Sleep -Seconds 5 If (Test-Path("C:\Windows")) { [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.VisualBasic") | Out-Null [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::MsgBox("Image was recovered. Click OK to Shut Down the System.",'OKOnly,Information', "Process Complete") | Out-Null Start-Process "x:\windows\system32\wpeutil.exe" @('"shutdown"') } else { Write-Output @("ImageX did not apply image successfully.... Shutting down in 5 seconds...") "ImageX did not apply image successfully." | Out-File "x:\SearchAndApplyError.log" Exit } } Function fCreateAnswerFiles { 'select disk 0 clean create partition primary size=25000 select partition 1 format fs=ntfs label="RECOVERY" quick assign letter = R create partition primary select partition 2 format fs=ntfs label="OSDISK" quick assign letter = C active exit' | Out-File "$env:temp\configHD.txt" -Encoding ascii 'select disk 0 select partition 2 format fs=ntfs label="OSDISK" quick assign letter = C exit' | Out-File "$env:temp\configHD2.txt" -Encoding ascii } Function fCreateBuildBCDFile { '@echo off setlocal SET BCDEDIT=bcdedit.exe SET BCDSTORE=C:\Boot\BCD SET SDI_FILE=boot.sdi SET WIM_File=boot.wim SET RECDRV=%1 REM Replace 7 Bootmgr with 8 Bootmgr attrib c:\bootmgr -H -S del c:\bootmgr /F copy %RECDRV%\bootmgr c:\bootmgr REM Set Timeout value to 5 %BCDEDIT% /store %BCDSTORE% /timeout 5 echo. echo Adding Ram Disk Options echo =========== for /f "Tokens=3" %%A in (''%BCDEDIT% /store %BCDSTORE% /create /device'') do set ramdisk=%%A %BCDEDIT% /store %BCDSTORE% /set %ramdisk% ramdisksdidevice partition=%RECDRV% %BCDEDIT% /store %BCDSTORE% /set %ramdisk% ramdisksdipath \boot\%SDI_FILE% echo. echo. echo Adding Win PE echo =========== echo. for /f "Tokens=3" %%A in (''%BCDEDIT% /store %BCDSTORE% /create /application osloader'') do set GUID=%%A echo. echo recovery guid=%GUID% echo. %BCDEDIT% /store %BCDSTORE% /set %GUID% systemroot \Windows %BCDEDIT% /store %BCDSTORE% /set %GUID% detecthal Yes %BCDEDIT% /store %BCDSTORE% /set %GUID% winpe Yes %BCDEDIT% /store %BCDSTORE% /set %GUID% osdevice ramdisk=[%RECDRV%]\Sources\%WIM_File%,%ramdisk% %BCDEDIT% /store %BCDSTORE% /set %GUID% device ramdisk=[%RECDRV%]\Sources\%WIM_File%,%ramdisk% %BCDEDIT% /store %BCDSTORE% /set %GUID% description "Recovery" %BCDEDIT% /store %BCDSTORE% /displayorder %guid% /addlast echo. echo. endlocal' | Out-File "$env:temp\configBCD.bat" -Encoding ascii } #Prompt if they want to run Recovery [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.VisualBasic") | Out-Null $Answer = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::MsgBox("Would you like to run the recovery routine?",'YesNo,Question', "Execute Recovery") If ($Answer -ne "Yes") {Exit} #Prompt for Password If ($sRecoveryPassword -ne $null) { $PasswordMatch = $False Do { $password = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the Recovery password" -AsSecureString $marshal = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal] $ptr = $marshal::SecureStringToBSTR($password) $password = $marshal::PtrToStringBSTR($ptr) If ($password -eq $sRecoveryPassword) {$PasswordMatch = $true} } While ($PasswordMatch -eq $false) } #Begin Recovery Routine fMain
/Brian G