Category Archives: Scripting

SOLVED: Netmotion XG Mobility Client Install Driver Prompt

By | August 11, 2016

SOLVED (08/11/2016): The “NM_Options” property MUST be used, even when using the MmsAddress MSI property. So my final install string was this: ## <Perform Installation tasks here> Show-InstallationProgress -StatusMessage ‘Installing NetMotion XG Client. This may take some time. Please wait…’ Execute-Process -Path “msiexec.exe” -Parameters ” /norestart /quiet /package “”$dirFiles\Mobility_xg_client_11.01_Win7_x64_release.msi”” NM_ADDRESS_VALUE=x.x.x.x:x EQSI=””1″” NM_Options=””$dirFiles\options.inf”” REBOOT=ReallySuppress” Forum… Read More »

Force a GPS port to a desired Port in Windows 7/8/10.

By | July 15, 2016

In a recent scenario, I needed to force to the Gobi 5000’s (WWAN) GPS to use COM3 in Windows 7 x64.  Here are the steps I took to accomplish this.  This process was also tested and worked on moving a “u-blox virtual..” to COM, and moving a COM2 device to use COM3. 1. BEFORE your drivers are… Read More »

How to make your VM use a static IP when booting an MDT WinPE image.

By | March 17, 2016

When VMs exist in static IP environments and a VM is being used to capture a thin image with MDT, the boot image must be instructed to use a static IP during the capture process.  Here is my method of achieving this. Download the “SetStaticIP.vbs” and updated “Unattend.xml” file, using the following link: Update the “SetStaticIP.vbs”… Read More »

Split GPS COM Ports using com0com and hub4com

By | November 19, 2015

Here is a script I wrote to split GPS COM ports to multiple virtual COM ports.  In this Create virtual COM ports 14 and 15 using com0com (Used a high number to avoid hitting a conflict with an existing port). Download link: start /w “” “%~dp0setup_com0com_W7_x64_signed.exe” /S cd /d “C:\Program Files (x86)\com0com” setupc.exe install 0… Read More »