Author Archives: Brian Gonzalez

The MDT 2013u2’s “Litetouch OEM Task Sequence” does not partition UEFI drives using GPT

By | August 26, 2016

After the Litetouch OEM TS runs and the content is staged, on next boot up, no UEFI supported drives are found. To fix this, you must correct the litetouch oem task sequence. Before: After: Copy the corrected “Format and Partition..” steps from your deployment TS. Thanks goes to: -BG

SOLVED: Netmotion XG Mobility Client Install Driver Prompt

By | August 11, 2016

SOLVED (08/11/2016): The “NM_Options” property MUST be used, even when using the MmsAddress MSI property. So my final install string was this: ## <Perform Installation tasks here> Show-InstallationProgress -StatusMessage ‘Installing NetMotion XG Client. This may take some time. Please wait…’ Execute-Process -Path “msiexec.exe” -Parameters ” /norestart /quiet /package “”$dirFiles\Mobility_xg_client_11.01_Win7_x64_release.msi”” NM_ADDRESS_VALUE=x.x.x.x:x EQSI=””1″” NM_Options=””$dirFiles\options.inf”” REBOOT=ReallySuppress” Forum… Read More »

Export and Import LGPOs and MLGPOs for Windows 10 in MDT 2013 Update 2 or SCCM

By | August 10, 2016

Scenario: Customer needed to lock down a specific user account in Windows 10, without effecting the local Administrator account. Unit was not going to be joining a Domain. LGPO was the only available free alternative. The new LGPO tool ( does NOT support MLGPOs (Multiple Local Group Policy Objects). The old LocalGPO.wsf script ( does,… Read More »

My edits for PSAppDeployToolkit’s Wrapper PS1

By | August 10, 2016
Share ‘s wrapper is my new favorite wrapper for applications I add to MDT or SCCM.  As Johan & others have stated, the main reason to use wrappers is how mush it eases testing of creating packages.  Here are my 2 edits I make to all of my Deploy_Application.ps1 scripts. 1.Tell PSAppDeploy to copy the… Read More »

MDT does not like WIMs with 2 indexes!

By | July 27, 2016

I like to capture my thick/hybrid WIM files with SCCM capture ISOs.  The big problem with this is that MDT doesn’t like WIM files with multiple indexes.  The symptom is that MDT appears to import the WIM, but NO OSes are added to the Deployment Workbench.  To fix this you must delete the 1st index… Read More »