Author Archives: Brian Gonzalez

Downgrading Panasonic Toughbook / Toughpad units from Tpm 2.0 to 1.2 to support Windows 7 Deployments

By | February 24, 2017

UPDATED 2018-09-18 Downgrade exe is now available using this public link: exe accepts a “/silent” argument. exe works with CF-33[D/E/P/Q] MK1, CF-54[D/E/F] MK2 extract exe using 7-zip: 1st You must query out Panasonic equipment and machines with Tpm 2.0 set. WMI namespace: root\CIMV2\Security\MicrosoftTpm WQL query: SELECT * FROM Win32_Tpm WHERE NOT SpecVersion LIKE “1.2” 2nd You… Read More »

Environment Variables set during the “Update Media” processing of MDT

By | January 25, 2017

At the end of running “Update Media” for the 1st run or on any run with the “-force” argument passed, an update script can be called via the “LitetouchPE.xml” file. Here are the dynamic vars exposed that can be called via a custom script. ADKPath | C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit CONTENT |… Read More »

Batch script to set the A1 button actions on a FZ-G1 Toughpad tablet

By | December 14, 2016

Here is the batch, it’s fairly self-explanatory: rem import default user’s hive reg load HKLM\ImportedHive “%SystemDrive%\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT” rem create batch that will be called by A1 button echo “%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Panasonic\PCam\PCam.exe”>%WinDir%\System32\A1Click_Mapping.bat echo “%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Panasonic\TSModSel\tsmodsel.exe” -G>%WinDir%\System32\A1Hold_Mapping.bat rem ties A1 to cmd.exe /c %WinDir%\System32\A1Click_Mapping.bat and A1Hold_Mapping.bat for the DEFAULT USER Reg.exe add “HKLM\ImportedHive\Control Panel\TabletPC\ButtonMaps\0” /v “ButtonID” /t REG_DWORD /d “2” /f… Read More »

2 Unattend.xml settings I specify in all of my Windows 10 installations.

By | December 14, 2016

   There are others, but these are 2 I include in all of my Unattend.xml files. Disable the First run animation from displaying: reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableFirstLogonAnimation /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f Prevent the Network Selection box from appearing. reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\NewNetworkWindowOff /F …. <RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action=”add”> <Description>disable firstlogon animation for win10</Description> <Order>5</Order> <Path>reg add… Read More »

Setting the Wallpaper and Lockscreen in Windows 10

By | December 4, 2016

Finally! I found a failsafe way to set a desired image to both the default wallpaper and lockscreen in Windows 10. Place a Wallpaper.jpg into your MDT “scripts” folder, add Powershell support to your WinPE (you will need to also add .NET support).  Then use this command line after applying the image: powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy “ByPass”… Read More »