Author Archives: Brian Gonzalez

MDT 2013 offers an astounding 37,403 lines of code for free.

By | October 28, 2013

I took a couple of minutes out Today to pull the amount of code is offered for free by implementing MDT 2013 from Micosoft.  Here is the powershell I wrote up for querying up the number: Get-ChildItem -Path C:\HydrationCM2012R2\DS\Scripts\ -Recurse | ` Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq “.WSF” -or $_.Extension -eq “.VBS”} | ` foreach{(Get-Content $_.FullName).Count} |… Read More »

MDT 2013 has released!

By | October 21, 2013

Download Link: What’s changed: Major points: 1. No XP or Win Server 08 support. 2. Uses WinPE 5.0. 3. Deploys Win 8.1.   Luckily, the MDT 2012 Update 1 link is still alive as well.   /Brian G

MDT Wizard Screen to remind Deployment Technician to turn on the Wireless Switch.

By | October 11, 2013

Our Toughbooks ship with the Wireless Switch in the OFF state.  So when you take the unit out the box and image the unit, it will not install the required WWAN, WLAN, Bluetooth drivers.  So to remind Deployment Technicians to Turn on the Wireless Switch, I built this Wizard screen using the OpenSource “MDT Wizard… Read More »

Need a Software Keyboard in WinPE, FreeVK to the rescue..

By | September 26, 2013

I was prompting a tablet user for a password in WinPE prior to performing a recovery routine.  To get Windows OSK to appear was a lot more difficult that it should be.  In my search for a portable on-screen keyboard, I found FreeVK.  Its free and works in WinPE.  The only caviat is that it… Read More »

My Search and Apply .WIM Image files script with recovery partition creation.

By | September 25, 2013

Once powershell was supported in WinPE, I converted my .VBS search and apply script over.  I add this script into my startnet.cmd, so it is started after initializing WinPE. Here are the steps of the script: Prompts the user asking them to verify that they want to run recovery. Prompts for recovery password if “$sRecoveryPassword”… Read More »