Author Archives: Brian Gonzalez

Set Windows 7 to NOT install Internet Explorer 9, 10, and 11

By | December 5, 2013

Want to exclude Internet Explorer 9, 10, and 11 from your Windows 7 image? Hide all of the updates listed in the image below: /BG

How to update a Panasonic Toughbook Driver Bundle

By | November 20, 2013

  Purpose: Panasonic bundles by default, include all Mandatory and Recommended installations. They also include optional installations, which take up disk space, even when compressed. This tutorial will display how to change a packaged Bundle and re-package it back up for distribution. Procedure: Download the desired bundle from the following site: Download the large… Read More »

Install a Silent Locked Down AT&T Connection Manager instead of Watcher or consumer ACM

By | November 19, 2013

The consumer grade ACM (AT&T Communications Manager), simply doesn’t cut it for Corporations. The installation is bloated with WLAN control, numerous useless menu items, no simple method for hard-setting your APN (Access Point Name). These settings are vital when rolling out a hundred or so machines. I came across a great resource for building silent… Read More »

WinPE or Windows 7/8 not seeing VMWare Workstation VM Hard Drives issue

By | November 7, 2013

When attempting to capture an XP image using MDT2012U1 from a VMWare Workstation machine, I ran into an issue because WinPE could not see the Hard Drive when attempting the .WIM capture.  After some searching, I found that adding the following setting to my Virtual Machine’s .VMX configuration file fixed the issue. .encoding = “windows-1252″… Read More »

MDT User Exit script to populate the OSDComputerName variable with the previous machine’s Computer Name

By | November 7, 2013

In a Computer Refresh scenario on an un-encrypted machine, the old Computer Name is stored in plain text in the registry on the local disk.  MDT can pull in this information and toss it into the OSDComputerName variable to hasten your Deployment Wizard. 1. Update your CustomSettings.INI (Rules) to call an external script to populate… Read More »