MDT 2013 Bug Alert: MDT2013 Natively Does Not Support BitLocker for Windows 8x Professional

By | November 20, 2014

MDT 2013 only checks for the following OS SKU types when validating BitLocker is supported.


ZTIUtility code, which is used when validating BitLocker support before displaying the BitLocker Wizard page:

	Function IsHighEndSKUEx( sSKU )
		' Windows Ultimate/Enterprise and Server SKU's allow for some
		' higher-end features, like Bitlocker and Multiple Language Packs.
		select case (ucase(trim(sSKU)))
				IsHighEndSKUEx = TRUE
				IsHighEndSKUEx = TRUE
			case "HYPERV"
				IsHighEndSKUEx = TRUE
			case "PRERELEASE"
				IsHighEndSKUEx = TRUE
			case else
				If Instr(1, ucase(trim(sSKU)), "SERVER", vbTextCompare) > 0 then
					IsHighEndSKUEx = TRUE
					IsHighEndSKUEx = FALSE
				End if
		End Select
	End function

It also performs OSSKU validation in the ZTIBDE.wsf script.

		'//  Check to see if BDE is supported in this OS
		'// Check to see if we are running Vista or later and exit if we are not
		If Left(oEnvironment.Item("OSCurrentVersion"),1) < 6 Then
			oLogging.CreateEntry "Bitlocker is not supported on this version of Windows", LogTypeInfo
			Main = iRetVal
			Exit Function
		'// Check to see if the SKU supportes Bitlocker
		ElseIf not oUtility.IsHighEndSKU then
			oLogging.CreateEntry "Bitlocker is only supported on Windows Enterprise or Windows Ultimate or Windows Server", LogTypeInfo
			Main = iRetVal
			Exit Function
			oLogging.CreateEntry "We are running a OS that supports BitLocker", LogTypeInfo
		End if

The easiest way I found to workaround this bug is the following.

First use the MDT Wizard Studio, and remove the condition check for the BitLocker page that checks the OSFlag.


Lastly,  I comment out the validation statement in the ZTIBde.wsf script:

		'//  Check to see if BDE is supported in this OS
		'// Check to see if we are running Vista or later and exit if we are not
		If Left(oEnvironment.Item("OSCurrentVersion"),1) < 6 Then
			oLogging.CreateEntry "Bitlocker is not supported on this version of Windows", LogTypeInfo
			Main = iRetVal
			Exit Function
		'// Check to see if the SKU supportes Bitlocker
		'ElseIf not oUtility.IsHighEndSKU then
		'	oLogging.CreateEntry "Bitlocker is only supported on Windows Enterprise or Windows Ultimate or Windows Server", LogTypeInfo
		'	Main = iRetVal
		'	Exit Function
			oLogging.CreateEntry "We are running a OS that supports BitLocker", LogTypeInfo
		End if

Now, I should see my Bitlocker dialog, assuming that I do NOT have any of the following CS rules applied:



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